Love your new website, Tita Copetti.
I hope you are having a good 2014 season so far. It was wonderful to see so many of you in Gonars on January 04 and again in Tolmezzo on the January 11 – 12 weekend. You are all so precious to me.
Daniele Cuder
Thanks a lot Jim!
This new platform allows an easier updating, of course it’s by our wonderful content editor: Giuseppe alias The Best!
Giuseppe Coloni
I think I’m not worthy of these congratulations, however thanks a lot, Daniele, and, gfromthis site as well, SEE YOU IN VANCOUVER, JIM!
Of course you are worthy, Giuseppe!
As the month of March approaches, (soon be June, Giuseppe!)
I send you all best wishes from CL in snowy Vancouver. Yes, winter
finally arrived over the weekend. Skiers are ecstatic. Drivers not so much.
But this cold spell will end soon and the crocus and daffodils will reappear.
CL busy with rehearsals for upcoming events in April, May and June.
I wish we could have the whole of the TC membership in the audience at every one.
Greetings from Canada, gentlemen. In about 10 hours Giuseppe and Domenico will be touching down at Vancouver International Airport after a
very long flight of 13+ hours. They will be very tired. While they are here,
I’ll be looking after them and will try my best to make sure that they have a wonderful time in my part of the world.
Have a successful concert on Saturday and a very safe and happy summer. G & D will no doubt have lots of stories to share with you!
Hello, friends in Tolmezzo. It is a beautiful day here today and Giuseppe, Domenico and I have a busy day planned. They have had a wonderful time here in Vancouver and area, but soon the day will arrive when they must return to Carnia. That day is this Wednesday (July 09) and I am sure that they will be as sad to leave as I am to see them leave. Over the next little while they will surely share with you many moments and memories of their
reunions with Chor Leoni and the PSU Chamber Choir as well as stories
about what they did and saw in Vancouver.
Have a successful concert with your Hungarian visitors. I wish I could be there to listen.
All the best to you, dear friends, from my corner of the world.
Jim Knight.
Hello, dear TC friends, from warm and sunny Vancouver.
I am sending you my best wishes for a happy and successful Festa della Mela weekend 2014.
I wish I could be there with you but I can visualize the event and hope that
you will have a lovely event. Please e-mail me some photos.
I send you also a great 2014-2015 season. CL is now well into rehearsals for
our new season. Check out for all the details.
Hugs from far-away Western Canada.
Wish we could be there to steal some tricks… have wonderful rehearsals and keep in touch for Festa della mela big success 🙂
Buon giorno, my favorite Tita Copetti guys! This is to wish you a wonderful, successful concert this coming Saturday October 18. I’ll be there in spirit. Enjoy the friendship and brotherhood-in-music with your visiting choirs, but don’t forget to prove that YOU are the best men’s choir in the area! I’m quite convinced that you are!
I look forward to hearing all about it from Susan who will be making the journey from Forni di Sopra, as well as from Daniele and Giuseppe / Domenico. Pictures too, please. I would be happy to hear from any of you.
Hugs from Canada,
jim knight
Sending best wishes to you all for a blessed and happy Easter!
Jim Knight, Vancouver, B,C., Canada.
Giuseppe Coloni
Hi, dear Jim! It’s time to go on with our summer schedule, yet! Actually, we are going to have a celebration linked to WW1 Anniversary on Sunday, June 21st… We are going to host a concert of Estonian Girls’ Choir on July 21st, into the same church where last year Erick’s PSU Choir sang in 2013. Waiting for that day, on July 11th we are going to take part in a choral fair of our area. Then, finally, we are going to go to Modena, in order to pay back a visit we received last year.
There will be a further fair in Ovaro, Alessio’s village, on August 1st, and right the day after we are going to sing up to a shelter few kilometres far from Tolmezzo. One week later, we are going to sing in Valbruna, close to the Austrian border, and, last but not the least, we will have a concert in Resiutta, Stefano’s village, on August 12th… and then, don’t forget Festa della Mela, Voci d’Autunno and Christmas’ concerts: pfuh, what a hustle… So good!
Greetings in the middle of the night, gentlemen. It is hard for me to find sleep because of the heat.
Your pictures taken at Resiutta suggest to me that you had a very successful performance the other evening.
Bravo to you all, including Serena. I just wish I could have been there to see and listen to you.
As some of you may know, Chor Leoni put on six performances of “All is Calm” last December to
re-enact the Christmas truce of 1914 between the Germans and the Allied Forces when they were
fighting in the trenches. The sold-out shows were such a hit (4200 tickets sold) that we are doing two
more shows in a much larger venue this coming December. I wish you could all be in the audience.
What a reunion that would be.
Bravo and hugs to Daniele, Serena, yourselves and to all involved in your events.
Hello, dear friends in Tolmezzo, and best wishes for a hugely successful show on Saturday. Wish I could be with you. It’s not possible of course, but I shall be thinking of you In far-off Carnia as CL performs here in Vancouver
with Ballet BC. Such an exciting event. We open on Thursday and close Saturday night.
Next week we have three performances of our Remembrance Day program.Lots to keep us from getting into mischief for a few weeks!!
Think of you often.
From Western Canada I send you all my best wishes for a peaceful and relaxing Christmas season and
a very prosperous 2016. Yesterday Chor Leoni performed two of our three Christmas concerts, and it was
a joy to have Susan Sherwood and Dino and Jessica de Santa in our audience. Our last concert is today.
I often think of you all and of my visits to Tolmezzo and hope I can return in the not-so-distant future.
Greetings, dear choristers, from Vancouver where we are having (too) hot weather for early June (31C)
Don’t like the heat. I hope you have had a wonderful and successful season. I do follow your fortunes
through either Daniele or Giuseppe. Just wish I could be there in person to hear and see you.
Chor Leoni too is coming to the end of their 2015 – 2016 season. It is time for a well-deserved summer break,
as our 2016-2017 will be as busy as ever …….. lots of events and the release of a brand new CD in early
November. I hope you will check out our web site from time to time (
Have a safe and very happy summer. I’ll be back to visit some day.
Giuseppe’Daniele will translate this into Italian for you, I’m sure. I wish I spoke your language.
It’s a beautiful autumn day here as CL resumes rehearsals for a new, exciting season. I know that TC has also
started up again, and I wish you all a wonderful, successful season, beginning with next week’s Festa della Mela. The Lions have a very busy season too, one of the highlights being the launch of our first-ever CD under Erick Lichte who has now been our distinguished director since 2013. This new CD is available on November 1 and I hope that many of you will treat yourselves to a copy. It really is an amazing creation. the disc can be purchased on our web site, starting November 1. The web site is
I am having lunch next week with Susan Sherwood before she heads back to Italy after a long summer visit to Canada. I’m sure you will see her friendly face at some of your upcoming events. I know that she is a good friend of TC as she is of CL.
Looking forward to hearing from Daniele and Giuseppe about all your successes and of course to returning to Tolmezzo one day to see you all again.
Happy Sunday, May 21, dear friends in Tolmezzo. I thought of you guys yesterday as you sang your concert. Hope you were happy with your performance and that you wowed a LARGE audience which you so deserve. I know that you work hard for Daniele, and that should be rewarded every time you concertize. Here in Vancouver Chor Leoni is coming to the end of another amazing season. I wish you could be here to hear us
again. Another day, perhaps? I wish you all a wonderful trip to Bosnia (say hi to Tijana for me) and a safe
and happy summer, whatever you do. Susan Sherwood will be here for most of the summer and I look forward very much to catching up with her. Best wishes to you all from Western Canada. Jim.
Hi, guys, and greetings for summer 2017. As I prepare to fly to Central Europe for the next 3.5 weeks, I send you good-luck wishes as you prepare for your concert this Friday when you host one of the Seghizzi choirs. It doesn’t seem like five years since you hosted Chor Leoni! Such good times and friendship.
I always long to come back and be in your midst. Perhaps it will happen one day soon. This next month will find me relatively close to Tolmezzo but not close enough, I’m afraid. I’ll be visiting Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest, Prague and Krakow. I am hoping that Guiseppe will translate this message for you because this message is for you all. Yours in music, Jim.
Greetings from Canada, Tita Copetti, and my best wishes for a successful concert tonight (May 18, 2018.)
Chor Leoni is as busy as ever and we are now preparing to leave in July for S.E. Asia where we will be
representing Canada in two international competitions in Singapore and Bali.
Happy memories of Seghizzi 2012.
Jim Knight (Vancouver)
It doesn’t seem like six years since CL was welcomed to Tolmezzo and since we participated in the Seghizzi choral competition. So many changes since then ……. both Diane and Dick Loomer have passed away, and Erick Lichte has taken over the musical direction of the Lions. Thanks to his direction, the sound of the choir
has reached new heights, and very soon we are heading to S.E. Asia to represent Canada in international
competitions. Personally, after Singapore and Bali, I am heading to Australia to visit my younger sister. More travel in later 2018 is in my plans. After a week in Vienna in late December I’ll be heading to Rome for a few days before embarking on a Mediterranean cruise. Have a safe and healthy summer and keep on singing.
Jim Knight.
Dear Tita Copetti men, I have just returned home from our weekly Chor Leoni rehearsal and see by the clock that it will be approximately 09:00 on Thursday April 25. That means that you will have been on your way to Berlin for approximately five hours, and I’m sure you are super excited. Have a safe journey to your destination and sing well. I hope you have large and appreciative audiences and that you will make many new friends and fans. Please save me a program and send lots of pictures. All the best and much success I send your way from Vancouver, Canada. Always looking forward to revisiting Tolmezzo some time in the future. Your friend Jim Knight. ( It’s time for bed now. zzzzzzz
Hello, dear men of Tita Copetti. This message is to wish you all a very safe and happy summer season, a rime to rest the voice and to restore energy for a new season later in the year. As for me, i have chosen to step back from Chor Leoni after 27 seasons. Tonight will be my last performance as a Lion, but I shall treasure forever all the times during those years spent on the risers, including very vivid and happy memories of our visit to Tolmezzo in 2012.
Wishing you peace and happy days ahead,
Jim Knight. (Vancouver, Canada, June 11, 2019)
I am saddened to learn of the passing of one of your fellow choristers. I know that you will miss his presence at all rehearsals and performances, but I’m also confident that the love and respect you had for him will be an inspiration for you as you continue your efforts to make beautiful music together.
With fondness,
Jim Knight (former member of Chor Leoni,)
Vancouver, Canada,
Thank you for your nice words, Jim.
Our love for him will surely be an inspiration.
Love your new website, Tita Copetti.
I hope you are having a good 2014 season so far. It was wonderful to see so many of you in Gonars on January 04 and again in Tolmezzo on the January 11 – 12 weekend. You are all so precious to me.
Thanks a lot Jim!
This new platform allows an easier updating, of course it’s by our wonderful content editor: Giuseppe alias The Best!
I think I’m not worthy of these congratulations, however thanks a lot, Daniele, and, gfromthis site as well, SEE YOU IN VANCOUVER, JIM!
Of course you are worthy, Giuseppe!
As the month of March approaches, (soon be June, Giuseppe!)
I send you all best wishes from CL in snowy Vancouver. Yes, winter
finally arrived over the weekend. Skiers are ecstatic. Drivers not so much.
But this cold spell will end soon and the crocus and daffodils will reappear.
CL busy with rehearsals for upcoming events in April, May and June.
I wish we could have the whole of the TC membership in the audience at every one.
Hugs to you all,
Greetings from Canada, gentlemen. In about 10 hours Giuseppe and Domenico will be touching down at Vancouver International Airport after a
very long flight of 13+ hours. They will be very tired. While they are here,
I’ll be looking after them and will try my best to make sure that they have a wonderful time in my part of the world.
Have a successful concert on Saturday and a very safe and happy summer. G & D will no doubt have lots of stories to share with you!
Best from your friend Jim in Canada.
Hello, friends in Tolmezzo. It is a beautiful day here today and Giuseppe, Domenico and I have a busy day planned. They have had a wonderful time here in Vancouver and area, but soon the day will arrive when they must return to Carnia. That day is this Wednesday (July 09) and I am sure that they will be as sad to leave as I am to see them leave. Over the next little while they will surely share with you many moments and memories of their
reunions with Chor Leoni and the PSU Chamber Choir as well as stories
about what they did and saw in Vancouver.
Have a successful concert with your Hungarian visitors. I wish I could be there to listen.
All the best to you, dear friends, from my corner of the world.
Jim Knight.
Hello, dear TC friends, from warm and sunny Vancouver.
I am sending you my best wishes for a happy and successful Festa della Mela weekend 2014.
I wish I could be there with you but I can visualize the event and hope that
you will have a lovely event. Please e-mail me some photos.
I send you also a great 2014-2015 season. CL is now well into rehearsals for
our new season. Check out for all the details.
Hugs from far-away Western Canada.
Wish we could be there to steal some tricks… have wonderful rehearsals and keep in touch for Festa della mela big success 🙂
Buon giorno, my favorite Tita Copetti guys! This is to wish you a wonderful, successful concert this coming Saturday October 18. I’ll be there in spirit. Enjoy the friendship and brotherhood-in-music with your visiting choirs, but don’t forget to prove that YOU are the best men’s choir in the area! I’m quite convinced that you are!
I look forward to hearing all about it from Susan who will be making the journey from Forni di Sopra, as well as from Daniele and Giuseppe / Domenico. Pictures too, please. I would be happy to hear from any of you.
Hugs from Canada,
Sending best wishes to you all for a blessed and happy Easter!
Jim Knight, Vancouver, B,C., Canada.
Hi, dear Jim! It’s time to go on with our summer schedule, yet! Actually, we are going to have a celebration linked to WW1 Anniversary on Sunday, June 21st… We are going to host a concert of Estonian Girls’ Choir on July 21st, into the same church where last year Erick’s PSU Choir sang in 2013. Waiting for that day, on July 11th we are going to take part in a choral fair of our area. Then, finally, we are going to go to Modena, in order to pay back a visit we received last year.
There will be a further fair in Ovaro, Alessio’s village, on August 1st, and right the day after we are going to sing up to a shelter few kilometres far from Tolmezzo. One week later, we are going to sing in Valbruna, close to the Austrian border, and, last but not the least, we will have a concert in Resiutta, Stefano’s village, on August 12th… and then, don’t forget Festa della Mela, Voci d’Autunno and Christmas’ concerts: pfuh, what a hustle… So good!
Greetings in the middle of the night, gentlemen. It is hard for me to find sleep because of the heat.
Your pictures taken at Resiutta suggest to me that you had a very successful performance the other evening.
Bravo to you all, including Serena. I just wish I could have been there to see and listen to you.
As some of you may know, Chor Leoni put on six performances of “All is Calm” last December to
re-enact the Christmas truce of 1914 between the Germans and the Allied Forces when they were
fighting in the trenches. The sold-out shows were such a hit (4200 tickets sold) that we are doing two
more shows in a much larger venue this coming December. I wish you could all be in the audience.
What a reunion that would be.
Bravo and hugs to Daniele, Serena, yourselves and to all involved in your events.
And now for some zzzzzzz (I hope)
Wishing you all a happy and successful Festa della Mela weekend!
Busy Boys this Autumn. That is very good. Have fun!
Hello, dear friends in Tolmezzo, and best wishes for a hugely successful show on Saturday. Wish I could be with you. It’s not possible of course, but I shall be thinking of you In far-off Carnia as CL performs here in Vancouver
with Ballet BC. Such an exciting event. We open on Thursday and close Saturday night.
Next week we have three performances of our Remembrance Day program.Lots to keep us from getting into mischief for a few weeks!!
Think of you often.
December 19, 2015.
From Western Canada I send you all my best wishes for a peaceful and relaxing Christmas season and
a very prosperous 2016. Yesterday Chor Leoni performed two of our three Christmas concerts, and it was
a joy to have Susan Sherwood and Dino and Jessica de Santa in our audience. Our last concert is today.
I often think of you all and of my visits to Tolmezzo and hope I can return in the not-so-distant future.
Until then,
Keep singing!
June 6, 2016.
Greetings, dear choristers, from Vancouver where we are having (too) hot weather for early June (31C)
Don’t like the heat. I hope you have had a wonderful and successful season. I do follow your fortunes
through either Daniele or Giuseppe. Just wish I could be there in person to hear and see you.
Chor Leoni too is coming to the end of their 2015 – 2016 season. It is time for a well-deserved summer break,
as our 2016-2017 will be as busy as ever …….. lots of events and the release of a brand new CD in early
November. I hope you will check out our web site from time to time (
Have a safe and very happy summer. I’ll be back to visit some day.
Giuseppe’Daniele will translate this into Italian for you, I’m sure. I wish I spoke your language.
Hugs to you all,
It’s a beautiful autumn day here as CL resumes rehearsals for a new, exciting season. I know that TC has also
started up again, and I wish you all a wonderful, successful season, beginning with next week’s Festa della Mela. The Lions have a very busy season too, one of the highlights being the launch of our first-ever CD under Erick Lichte who has now been our distinguished director since 2013. This new CD is available on November 1 and I hope that many of you will treat yourselves to a copy. It really is an amazing creation. the disc can be purchased on our web site, starting November 1. The web site is
I am having lunch next week with Susan Sherwood before she heads back to Italy after a long summer visit to Canada. I’m sure you will see her friendly face at some of your upcoming events. I know that she is a good friend of TC as she is of CL.
Looking forward to hearing from Daniele and Giuseppe about all your successes and of course to returning to Tolmezzo one day to see you all again.
Hugs from Canada,
Happy Sunday, May 21, dear friends in Tolmezzo. I thought of you guys yesterday as you sang your concert. Hope you were happy with your performance and that you wowed a LARGE audience which you so deserve. I know that you work hard for Daniele, and that should be rewarded every time you concertize. Here in Vancouver Chor Leoni is coming to the end of another amazing season. I wish you could be here to hear us
again. Another day, perhaps? I wish you all a wonderful trip to Bosnia (say hi to Tijana for me) and a safe
and happy summer, whatever you do. Susan Sherwood will be here for most of the summer and I look forward very much to catching up with her. Best wishes to you all from Western Canada. Jim.
Hi, guys, and greetings for summer 2017. As I prepare to fly to Central Europe for the next 3.5 weeks, I send you good-luck wishes as you prepare for your concert this Friday when you host one of the Seghizzi choirs. It doesn’t seem like five years since you hosted Chor Leoni! Such good times and friendship.
I always long to come back and be in your midst. Perhaps it will happen one day soon. This next month will find me relatively close to Tolmezzo but not close enough, I’m afraid. I’ll be visiting Bucharest, Belgrade, Budapest, Prague and Krakow. I am hoping that Guiseppe will translate this message for you because this message is for you all. Yours in music, Jim.
From Vancouver, Canada, I send my best wishes to you all and also to your families
I know that you will have a wonderful concert in the Duomo on December 26
Wish I could be there.
Hugs to all.
Greetings from Canada, Tita Copetti, and my best wishes for a successful concert tonight (May 18, 2018.)
Chor Leoni is as busy as ever and we are now preparing to leave in July for S.E. Asia where we will be
representing Canada in two international competitions in Singapore and Bali.
Happy memories of Seghizzi 2012.
Jim Knight (Vancouver)
July 1, 2018. (Canada Day)
It doesn’t seem like six years since CL was welcomed to Tolmezzo and since we participated in the Seghizzi choral competition. So many changes since then ……. both Diane and Dick Loomer have passed away, and Erick Lichte has taken over the musical direction of the Lions. Thanks to his direction, the sound of the choir
has reached new heights, and very soon we are heading to S.E. Asia to represent Canada in international
competitions. Personally, after Singapore and Bali, I am heading to Australia to visit my younger sister. More travel in later 2018 is in my plans. After a week in Vienna in late December I’ll be heading to Rome for a few days before embarking on a Mediterranean cruise. Have a safe and healthy summer and keep on singing.
Jim Knight.
April 25, 2019.
Dear Tita Copetti men, I have just returned home from our weekly Chor Leoni rehearsal and see by the clock that it will be approximately 09:00 on Thursday April 25. That means that you will have been on your way to Berlin for approximately five hours, and I’m sure you are super excited. Have a safe journey to your destination and sing well. I hope you have large and appreciative audiences and that you will make many new friends and fans. Please save me a program and send lots of pictures. All the best and much success I send your way from Vancouver, Canada. Always looking forward to revisiting Tolmezzo some time in the future. Your friend Jim Knight. ( It’s time for bed now. zzzzzzz
when will your next concert hold?
Hi Sarah,
Next concert is planned for June 1st in Sacile (Pn)
Hello, dear men of Tita Copetti. This message is to wish you all a very safe and happy summer season, a rime to rest the voice and to restore energy for a new season later in the year. As for me, i have chosen to step back from Chor Leoni after 27 seasons. Tonight will be my last performance as a Lion, but I shall treasure forever all the times during those years spent on the risers, including very vivid and happy memories of our visit to Tolmezzo in 2012.
Wishing you peace and happy days ahead,
Jim Knight. (Vancouver, Canada, June 11, 2019)
Dear men of Tita Copetti,
I am saddened to learn of the passing of one of your fellow choristers. I know that you will miss his presence at all rehearsals and performances, but I’m also confident that the love and respect you had for him will be an inspiration for you as you continue your efforts to make beautiful music together.
With fondness,
Jim Knight (former member of Chor Leoni,)
Vancouver, Canada,
Thank you for your nice words, Jim.
Our love for him will surely be an inspiration.